Obraz plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background.
Numer zdjęcia:
Słowa kluczowe:
anioł, posąg, rzeźba, religia, dekoracja, statuetka, rysunek, kamień, Boże Narodzenie
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a dark wooden background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a black background with reflection
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
plaster white statuette in the form of an angel on a white background
statue sculpture baby angel on white background
statue sculpture baby angel on white background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
statue sculpture baby angel on wooden background
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Obraz na płótnie

Nadruk nanoszony jest na wysokiej jakości płótno, które naciąga się na krosno malarskie (blejtramy). Dzięki temu, że nadruk pokrywa boczne krawędzie, nie ma konieczności oprawiania wzoru dodatkową ramą. Polecamy również kompozycje składające się z kilku obrazów tworzących spójną kompozycję.
  • Montaż: Obraz jest od razu gotowy do zawieszenia na ścianie. Do każdego obrazu dokładamy zawieszki i gwoździki.
  • Dodatkowe informacje: W ofercie dostępne są ramy wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne.

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