Fototapeta A beautiful woman laughing while her pet is licking her face in a sunny day in the park in Madrid. The dog is on its owner between her hands. Family dog outdoor lifestyle
A beautiful woman laughing while her pet is licking her face in a sunny day in the park in Madrid. The dog is on its owner between her hands. Family dog outdoor lifestyle.
Numer zdjęcia:
Słowa kluczowe:
kobieta, pies, tulenie, rodzina, terier, przyjaźń, styl życia, pieszczoch, razem
Two beautiful women sitting with a little dog in a park while looking at something on their phones. They are enjoying a sunny day in Madrid. Technology lifestyle with dogs
Two beautiful women sitting with a little dog in a park of Madrid and trying to take a photo with the phone. Technology lifestyle with dogs
Two beautiful women sitting in the street with their pets and taking a photo with a phone. Technology lifestyle with dogs
A beautiful woman laughing with her pet enjoying a sunny day in the park in Madrid. The dog is on its owner chest between her hands. Family dog outdoor lifestyle
A beautiful woman laughing while her pet is licking her nose in a sunny day in the park in Madrid. The dog is on its owner chest between her hands. Family dog outdoor lifestyle
A beautiful little dog sitting on its owner looking at her face. The woman is lying down in the park in a sunny day in Madrid. Family dog outdoor lifestyle
A beautiful little dog sitting on its owner looking at her face. The woman is lying down in the park in a sunny day in Madrid. Family dog outdoor lifestyle
A beautiful woman lying down in the park hugging her cute little dog. They are enjoying a sunny day in Madrid. Family dog outdoor lifestyle
A beautiful woman staying in a park with her cute little dog. She is taking a self-portrait photo with the phone while kissing her pet. Technology lifestyle with pets
A beautiful woman sitting in a park with her cute little dog. She is taking a self-portrait photo with her dog with the phone. Technology lifestyle with pets
Selective focus. Close-up. A beautiful woman sitting in a park with her cute little dog. She is taking a self-portrait with her dog with the phone. Technology lifestyle with pets
A beautiful little dog looking at the camera while its owner is taking a photo of it with the phone. Technology lifestyle with pets
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Fototapeta lateksowa

Powstaje z materiału lateksowego o gładkiej i matowej powierzchni dającej fotograficzny efekt. Wykorzystana technologia HP Latex zapewnia żywe i nieblaknące kolory odporne na promienie UV.
  • Maksymalna szerokość jednego brytu fototapety: 95 cm lub 105 cm w zależności od dostępności danego materiału. Żeby zapewnić podział taki, jakiego potrzebujesz, prosimy o zamieszczenie informacji o wybranej szerokości w komentarzu do zamówienia. Jeśli Twój wymiar będzie przekraczał maksymalną szerokość materiału, wydruk będzie się składał z kilku równych arkuszy.
  • Polecane zastosowanie: salon, sypialnia, przedpokój, pokój dziecięcy, sala konferencyjna.
  • Sposób klejenia: krawędź w krawędź
  • Czyszczenie: można przecierać suchą szmatką
  • Wykończenie: półmat

Fototapeta winylowa na flizelinie

Drukowana jest na matowym, wyjątkowo solidnym i odpornym materiale na podkładzie flizelinowym. Zapewnia to doskonałą trwałość i odporność na rozciąganie oraz odkształcenia. Materiał przepuszcza parę wodną, dzięki czemu ściany oddychają, a produkt nadaje się do kuchni i łazienki. Technologia HP Latex zapewnia żywe kolory na lata.
  • Maksymalna szerokość jednego brytu fototapety: 95 cm lub 105 cm w zależności od dostępności danego materiału. Żeby zapewnić podział taki, jakiego potrzebujesz, prosimy o zamieszczenie informacji o wybranej szerokości w komentarzu do zamówienia. W przypadku rozmiaru przekraczającego maksymalną szerokość materiału, wydruk będzie się składał z kilku równych arkuszy.
  • Polecane zastosowanie: salon, sypialnia, kuchnia, łazienka, przedpokój, pokój dziecięcy, hotel, restauracja, sala konferencyjna, budynki użytku publicznego, szkoły, przedszkola, żłobki.
  • Sposób klejenia: krawędź w krawędź. Nakładanie kleju tylko na ścianę znacznie ułatwia montaż.
  • Czyszczenie: można przecierać wilgotną szmatką
  • Wykończenie: półmat

Fototapeta winylowa na flizelinie struktura

Drukowana jest na wyjątkowo trwałym i odpornym podkładzie flizelinowym, którego grubość zmniejsza niewielkie nierówności na powierzchni ściany. Półmatowy materiał i struktura drobnego piasku na powierzchni dają ekskluzywny efekt. Fototapeta przepuszcza parę wodną, dzięki czemu ściany oddychają, a wzór nadaje się do kuchni i łazienki. Technologia HP Latex zapewnia żywe kolory na lata.
  • Maksymalna szerokość jednego brytu fototapety: 100 cm. Żeby zapewnić podział taki, jakiego potrzebujesz, prosimy o zamieszczenie informacji o wybranej szerokości w komentarzu do zamówienia. Gdy rozmiar przekracza maksymalną szerokość materiału, wydruk będzie się składał z kilku równych arkuszy.
  • Polecane zastosowanie: salon, sypialnia, kuchnia, łazienka, przedpokój, hotel, restauracja, sala konferencyjna, budynki użytku publicznego.
  • Sposób klejenia: krawędź w krawędź. Nakładanie kleju tylko na ścianę znacznie ułatwia montaż.
  • Czyszczenie: można przecierać wilgotną szmatką
  • Wykończenie: półmatowe, struktura drobnego piasku
  • Dodatkowe informacje: specjalna gramatura 255g/m2

Fototapeta samoprzylepna

To uniwersalny i praktyczny produkt, który sprawdzi się na większości gładkich powierzchni. Wzór można umieścić na ścianie, meblach i szklanych płaszczyznach. Specjalnie opracowany klej gwarantuje łatwe przyklejenie fototapety, dzięki czemu znacznie skracamy czas odmiany wnętrza. Technologia HP Latex zapewnia żywe kolory na lata.
  • Maksymalna szerokość jednego brytu fototapety: 133 cm. W przypadku rozmiaru przekraczającego maksymalną szerokość materiału, wydruk będzie się składał z kilku równych arkuszy.
  • Polecane zastosowanie: salon, sypialnia, kuchnia, przedpokój, pokój dziecięcy, hotel, restauracja, sala konferencyjna, budynki użytku publicznego, szkoły, przedszkola, żłobki.
  • Sposób klejenia: krawędź w krawędź, łatwe przyklejanie
  • Czyszczenie: można delikatnie przemywać wilgotną szmatką
  • Wykończenie: mat

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a person cutting potatoes and sweet potatoes in a nice kitchen
a person cooking potatoes and sweet potatoes in a nice kitchen
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two friends are sitting in the meadow while they play and smile enjoying their company and the landscapes of the mountain
two friends are sitting in the meadow while they play and smile enjoying their company and the landscapes of the mountain
two friends are sitting in the meadow while they play and smile enjoying their company and the landscapes of the mountain
two friends are sitting in the meadow while they play and smile enjoying their company and the landscapes of the mountain
two friends are sitting in the meadow while they play and smile enjoying their company and the landscapes of the mountain
two friends are sitting in the meadow while they play and smile enjoying their company and the landscapes of the mountain
two friends are sitting in the meadow while they play and smile enjoying their company and the landscapes of the mountain
brunette girl in wool hat and brown coat takes a picture in the middle of the mountain
two friends are sitting in the meadow while they play and smile enjoying their company and the landscapes of the mountain
girl with her backpack on her shoulders looks towards the mountain from a road in a valley
Brown-haired girl drinking water on the mountain, with her eyes closed and nature around her
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two girls are wrapped in a blanket while playing with their dogs in the meadow
brunette girl with a hat on her head and a travel backpack contemplates the landscape that surrounds her from a valley next to the mountains
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outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
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outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
a long road in the middle of the forest with the fog on top of it
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two puppies are in the meadow lying down to continue playing
pretty brunette girl walks towards the camera with a big smile enjoying a sunny day on the mountain
friends seek information on the mobile they have in their hands
two friends play with their dogs sitting in the meadow with a big mountain behind them
a person is cooking vegetables in a nice kitchen
a person is cooking vegetables in a nice kitchen
a person cooking minced meat in a beautiful kitchen
mountaineer girl with a backpack on her back looks around the high hills and the green meadows
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
Two mountaineers walk in the thick fog
mountaineer girl with a backpack on her back looks around the high hills and the green meadows
two friends are sitting in the meadow wrapped in a blanket as they look and point to a place
two friends wrapped in a blanket are sitting in the meadow while they take out a thermos to prepare a broth
two friends have a fit of laughter while drinking broth sitting in the middle of the meadow
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
a girl cooking minced meat in a beautiful kitchen
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
closeup detail of the strings of a bass
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
two girls are sitting in the meadow and take a picture with their mobile
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
outdoor photo session with a bass player and his instruments
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